Choosing Between Tooth Bonding And Veneers: Deciding Which One Is Right For You

Today, there are different dental procedures one can opt for either dented or chipped tooth, and the most common procedures are tooth veneers and bonding. For quite some time, the choice between the two is a difficult one. Each has its own set of benefits and disadvantages, and if you’re deciding which one to choose between the two, we will discuss the differences between the two.

Taking care of your teeth is very important. Without your teeth being in its best condition, you won’t be able to eat properly, you’ll have a limited choice of foods because you won’t be able to properly chew your food. If you’ve noticed signs of discoloration on your teeth, damage, or some chipping, visiting your local dentist can help you get back to your regular diet.

The Procedure: How Do Tooth Bonding And Veneers Work?

Before we know the differences, let’s first discuss what these procedures are. Tooth bonding is performed on damaged teeth to get rid of all the imperfections. For this particular procedure, a resinous substance will be prepared – and this preparation involves making sure that it matches your tooth color. The substance will then be applied to the damaged part of the teeth and sculpt it until the preferred shape has been achieved. The tooth bonding specialist will make sure that the color of the resinous substance has the same color as the rest of your teeth.

On the other hand, teeth veneers make use of porcelain pieces. While the purpose of doing this procedure is similar to tooth bonding where teeth imperfections will be covered up. So whether you have a chipped tooth or some imperfections, porcelain will then be used to fill in the damaged tooth. Before the porcelain is placed, the fitting will be done to make sure that there’s enough room for the veneers.

The Difference Between Tooth Bonding And Tooth Veneers

As mentioned earlier, both procedures have the same goal, but because these two will be using different materials and the preparation steps are also different, one may have more advantages over the other. Here is a short comparison between the two:

Cost: Teeth veneers are more expensive than bonding, this is because porcelain is more expensive than the resinous substance being used in tooth bonding.

Durability: Because of the added cost and materials, veneers are more durable and won’t easily chip.

Permanency: Most of the time, veneers are semi-permanent. Once you’ve been fitted, unless something else happens, those veneers will be there for a long time.

Overall Appearance: Some people prefer how veneers look because of their radiating glow. It’s a matter of personal preference when choosing between the two. Either way, both procedures will have natural-looking teeth once it’s been done.

The choice between bonding and veneers will then be discussed by your dentist – as they will make the final recommendation on what they think is best for your tooth condition and overall budget. If you’re looking for either dental advice or any other services, give us at Modern Bites Dentistry a call today.