Dr. Annabel Perez is considered one of the top cosmetic dentists in Pembroke Pines. This is an area she has focused on for most of her career, and with like most things in life, work, and sports, practice makes perfect!
Both bridges and crowns are permanent prosthetic dental devices. In contrast to dentures, a removable dental device that can be removed and cleaned daily, a bridge or crown is permanently secured over implants or existing teeth. They can only be removed or repaired by a dentist.
A crown is primarily used to cap or cover damaged teeth. Crowns can improve a tooth’s appearance, alignment, or shape. It can also strengthen a damaged tooth. Ceramic or porcelain crowns can easily match the existing color of your natural teeth. Other crown materials include metal alloys, acrylic, and even gold. The dentist will decide what material suits you best depending on the condition of your tooth, location, and case.
A dentist will use a crown as part of a bridge, to cover a tooth after a root canal, to restore a fractured tooth, to protect a tooth from fracturing, or to cap an unsightly discolored tooth.
A bridge is often preferred when a patient is missing one or more teeth. Without a bridge, teeth surrounding a gap may eventually shift or rotate towards the empty space, which would result in a bad bite. It could also lead to more serious dental issues such as TMJ issues or gum disease.
Dental crowns are a type of cap that is used to restore teeth. They are generally used to improve the aesthetics of a tooth, including its color, size, and shape. Crowns are also used to strengthen teeth by improving the way a person bites down. These crowns are similar in shape to a natural tooth, which is the reason why they are designed to encase an entire tooth. To secure a crown, the dentist will cement the structure into place.
Bridges are used to fill in a gap between two teeth. Missing teeth often result in many issues, which include a poor bite pattern and an unattractive smile. In some instances, missing teeth can lead to TMJ disorders or severe gum disease.
Both dental bridges and crowns are regarded as an ordinary dental practice. However, it is essential to know about applications associated with each to decide between the two.
When you have weak, uneven, crooked, or cracked teeth, dental crowns are usually the preferred choice. When you have gaps between your teeth or missing teeth, then a bridge is often the best solution. However, a bridge is only recommended for patients that have a jawbone that is healthy and strong enough to support one of these devices.
Monday – Fri: 9am – 6pm
Saturday: Twice a month, 9am – 2pm
Sunday: Closed
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