Things You Should Know About Dental Veneers

Dentists have a lot to work with when it comes to making over smiles and performing cosmetic dentistry. There are plenty of options available and dental veneers are one that has become increasingly popular in recent years. Teeth whitening is generally one of the most common procedures but it’s not 100 percent dependable. Likewise, some people’s situation calls for more than it is capable of offering. Some teeth that are deeply stained or even artificial might not even respond at all to whitening treatments.

Luckily, you can get dental veneers that can give you a better smile no matter if you respond well to whitening or not. Veneers can be very easy to get and they don’t come with many risks at all.

Some Facts On Dental Veneers:

1. To get veneers, you will need to reduce your teeth by as much as .5 millimeters. While this is a permanent procedure, it’s typically not something you need to worry about as it’s not very noticeable. You can get as many veneers as needed. Some choose to fill their entire mouth and some may choose to only get veneers covering their front teeth. Veneers are optional and they aren’t the only option.

No damage comes from choosing something else. Veneers are purely cosmetic. Therefore, they aren’t going to do anything good or bad for your teeth other than alter the appearance. They are made of porcelain and they are affixed to the fronts of your teeth to hide your natural tooth surface. This can help you get whiter teeth and that appear straighter.

Luckily, the procedure is completely harmless. It’s not something that requires local anesthesia and it only takes around a week from the very start to the very end. There is a delay in the procedure because the dentist will need to take accurate measurements of your teeth before making the veneers. After all, they need to perfectly fit your natural teeth.

Thus, patients will need to come back to the dentist once the veneers are created. That way, they can get the veneers installed. The dentist will have you do some test bites to ensure that the veneer allows for optimal movement. Any irregularities will be able to be adjusted at that time. Dr. Shaggy will be able to give you all of the details you need on the procedure.

Once you end up getting veneers, you may experience more sensitivity than you used to with your teeth. This isn’t something that will be permanent and it should begin to fade away within days. Keep in mind, veneers are subject to staining. Therefore, you may want to watch what you are drinking and eating. The only way you are going to be able to fix the staining of veneers is by replacing the ones you have as they are not going to respond well to whitening treatments. Veneers aren’t as durable as your natural teeth. Therefore, you don’t want to go biting into hard foods or chewing your nails if you want to keep them functional for as long as possible.

Dr. Shaggy has the experience and training needed to set you up with the perfect set of veneers to help you get the smile you’ve always dreamed of. Veneers are very simple to not only make but also apply. Therefore, you will be able to improve your smile with very little hassle at all with veneers.